Saturday, August 24, 2002 :::
So far my time here has been great. I've met lots of new people, had lots of new experiances in a city I adore. Although I'm looking foreward to the experiance of driving back, I really know that I am not going to want to leave LA.
Love to you all
::: posted by Jen at 4:48 AM
Friday, August 16, 2002 :::
I'm in Chi-town (ok, so 40miles outside of the city in the suburb of St. Charles- its a rich country area). The new house is beautiful, & I'm running to doctors while im here. I went to the dentist today & Ive never had a cavity in my life- but now I've got FOUR little ones. FOUR! & I just went to the dentist in January! WTF. Whatev- But, I'm getting a lil colour. & I went shopping today- NEW SHOES!! YAY!
I also went to a Bridle Ct. Ladies get together this evening (once a month gathering of the wives on my moms street)- I wanted to shoot myself in the head. They were all so mediocre in their mediocire middle-american ways. I dont know, its just not the life I would ever want for myself. And now I know how my brother would feel coming home from college to a new house all the time. (We moved a lot when I was a kid). But I freakin layed down in my bed last night & it was amazing. I couldnt even believe it. I'd forgotten how comfy my bed is, I just wish it wasn't empty, but, such is mango. & I had an interesting dream that I'm gonna stop talking about right now.
Tomorrow I'm getting my pics of Europe back- YAY- I can't wait to see them.
Um, yeah, thats aboot it. w00t!
Love to you all
::: posted by Jen at 12:44 AM
Sunday, August 11, 2002 :::
OK- SO!- I've been going crazy. I was writing a lot of poetry last week, packing, doing laundry, stressing out about money & moving stuff & furnature, etc. I've been a big ball of stress & I need a massage more then anything in the world right now. So, on that note, going home for a week to the new house, getting pamperd & fed for free will be a welcome change. Plus, I'm getting really sick of this city. I think that after travling around so much for 4 months then coming back & staying put in the same city for so long is, well, its just annoying me.I've gone stir crazy!!! The next 3 weeks are going to be amazing, call it a hunch, call it psychic intuition, call it what you will.
For all of you that don't know here's the plan: Chi-town for a week, LA for a week, drivin back to Boston for a week, moving into apt. Due to all that crazyness, I'm not going to be online much, especially after I leave Chi-town bc after that my soon-to-be tanned & tattoo'd ass will be crashing w/friends & livin in a car. Oh, the thrill of the open road. {sigh}. I'm especially excited to go to LA. Whenever I've been there before I've had very life altering experiances. The 1st was spiritual, the 2nd was carrear/future oriented, & its always a great time. This may sound niave, but I feel such magic there- even with the scandals that have gone on. The dirty secrets of Hollywood & all of its closeted skeletons just add to its mystique & mystery. I see my future there and the potential for everything great. Note: by the end of my road trip I will have been to over half of our great 50 states! w00t!
Love to you all!
If you should need me for any reason, as always, call the cellular! ~Jen
::: posted by Jen at 11:26 PM
Sunday, August 04, 2002 :::
So yesterday I made mad ca$$h doing PR at a festival on Carson Beach, then I came home to my LIL J and drank too much white zinfendel. I dissereved it, it was great. Now I'm just de-stressing and trying to work bit by bit on everything I need to do here before I leave to go home. I've been thinking a lot about my carreer. (I always think way too far ahead)- & I am really just excited about it. Chatting yesterday with a good friend, we compared notes on information about a movie coming to Boston & discussed the people we know/experiance we have, & she was impressed. I am an impressive gal. I dont know why I didnt think of being a casting director years ago. I suppose it just goes to show how much I've learned about myself & the industry.
On another note: little girls nowadays scare me. I've never seen girls so young wear such little amounts of clothing and have such little amounts of respect for themselves. I want to slap Brittany Spears & tell her to put some clothes on. It really makes me sick to see 12yr olds in miniskirts & tubetops. What kind of message are they trying to send out? It just attracts the wrong type of attention. Guys dont date girls like that, they fuck them.
I'm excited to go home, my mom's got "suprises" for me. I'm scared- & shes got Dr's appt's & lady's luncheons planned for every day I'm there. I really cant wait to get to LA, but I know once I'm there, its going to go by SO fast. And I dont want it to. I looked up some cool tattoo places in LA- I will come back to Boston with something permanently implanted under my skin.
Love to you all. ~Jen "Time goes by so slowly for those who wait, & those who run seem to have all the fun."
::: posted by Jen at 1:37 PM
Friday, August 02, 2002 :::
Realization: At times, I am a lot of bad things. I am annoying, I am bossy, I am a hypocrite, I am jealous, I am immature, I am too mature, & I still expect others to treat me like the queen I am. Because I am not perfect. But I am perfect for me for now. And maybe thats not good enough for some people. Or maybe others dont appreciate it. Hell, I'll admit it, I can be downright difficult. And I know it. Maybe my thing is that I fully recognize all of my good traits & all of my bad traits- anything mean or rude anyone could say to me: chances are, I've heard it before from people I loved more. Its what people dont say that hurts. It's the silences. Its me doing all the work, & putting my voulnerable self out on a limb for people that hurts. No more. I'm making a vow to myself to never do that again. I'm not so much as going to IM another person 1st - I'm through being the person no one calls bc they assume I'll call them (bc I always do)- & I'm that person in a lot of aspects in my life. And its just because I think that if I dont do it myself, it wont get done, or things wont go as I'd like them to, which is true, but I think its time i stopped trying to take so much control of others & situations & take more control over my own actions. Yeah. Thats it. I need to stop neurotically obsessing & just let life live me. {sigh} Good times. Love to you all. ~Jen
::: posted by Jen at 1:55 AM
Thursday, August 01, 2002 :::
I had some great ideas on things to write. I had some really interesting things I wanted to share.I cant think of any of them right now, but I wanted to post. So I'm posting. Life is life, I suppose, with its ever present twists & turns. There are days when my phone doesnt stop ringing & weeks when it rings barely once. There are times I'm bored & times I've got too much to do. I over heard a girl who lives down the hall from me say "Happiness takes its toll."- (shes always wondering the hall on her phone)- & at 1st, I thought, "what kind of un-appreciative idot says something like that?"- but I think happiness does take a toll- when you don't appreciate it.
There's this bum, who I've seen 3 times now. The 1st time he talked to me, I didnt think much of it...just another bum. It was a muggy, hot day & he said " Smile, it's not that hot." Yesterday I was having a headachy day & I ran into this man again & this time he said "Smile, its not Monday!" And he made my day. Today I saw him again for a 3rd time & he said "Smile, its one day closer to Friday!"- And he lost his touch. Or his sincerity. Or something. I don't really know why I even wrote that- it's just something interesting in my little world. Saw Austin Powers- its FAH-HAB!! GO SEE IT! Mike Myers- YEAH BABY! STICK IT IN ME! LIFE! Yeah. That's about it. I go home in a little less then 2 weeks for a week of Dr's apts, hair apt, shopping, tanning, etc. Which means I've got to pack up my room. Crap.Um.....what else is new.....yeah thats pretty much it. Justin almost got voted off of American Idol- it was close- I would have cried ( & stopped watching every week) but hes still on- YAY! He didn't perform so hot last week, but whatever, he's still the winner. Hands down. I'm just sitting here looking at my mess & trying to think of how I'm going to start to pack...hrm...Oh well, Love to you & yours ~Jen
::: posted by Jen at 7:05 PM
