Thursday, August 01, 2002 :::
I had some great ideas on things to write. I had some really interesting things I wanted to share.I cant think of any of them right now, but I wanted to post. So I'm posting. Life is life, I suppose, with its ever present twists & turns. There are days when my phone doesnt stop ringing & weeks when it rings barely once. There are times I'm bored & times I've got too much to do. I over heard a girl who lives down the hall from me say "Happiness takes its toll."- (shes always wondering the hall on her phone)- & at 1st, I thought, "what kind of un-appreciative idot says something like that?"- but I think happiness does take a toll- when you don't appreciate it.
There's this bum, who I've seen 3 times now. The 1st time he talked to me, I didnt think much of it...just another bum. It was a muggy, hot day & he said " Smile, it's not that hot." Yesterday I was having a headachy day & I ran into this man again & this time he said "Smile, its not Monday!" And he made my day. Today I saw him again for a 3rd time & he said "Smile, its one day closer to Friday!"- And he lost his touch. Or his sincerity. Or something. I don't really know why I even wrote that- it's just something interesting in my little world. Saw Austin Powers- its FAH-HAB!! GO SEE IT! Mike Myers- YEAH BABY! STICK IT IN ME! LIFE! Yeah. That's about it. I go home in a little less then 2 weeks for a week of Dr's apts, hair apt, shopping, tanning, etc. Which means I've got to pack up my room. Crap.Um.....what else is new.....yeah thats pretty much it. Justin almost got voted off of American Idol- it was close- I would have cried ( & stopped watching every week) but hes still on- YAY! He didn't perform so hot last week, but whatever, he's still the winner. Hands down. I'm just sitting here looking at my mess & trying to think of how I'm going to start to pack...hrm...Oh well, Love to you & yours ~Jen
::: posted by Jen at 7:05 PM
