Friday, August 16, 2002 :::
I'm in Chi-town (ok, so 40miles outside of the city in the suburb of St. Charles- its a rich country area). The new house is beautiful, & I'm running to doctors while im here. I went to the dentist today & Ive never had a cavity in my life- but now I've got FOUR little ones. FOUR! & I just went to the dentist in January! WTF. Whatev- But, I'm getting a lil colour. & I went shopping today- NEW SHOES!! YAY!
I also went to a Bridle Ct. Ladies get together this evening (once a month gathering of the wives on my moms street)- I wanted to shoot myself in the head. They were all so mediocre in their mediocire middle-american ways. I dont know, its just not the life I would ever want for myself. And now I know how my brother would feel coming home from college to a new house all the time. (We moved a lot when I was a kid). But I freakin layed down in my bed last night & it was amazing. I couldnt even believe it. I'd forgotten how comfy my bed is, I just wish it wasn't empty, but, such is mango. & I had an interesting dream that I'm gonna stop talking about right now.
Tomorrow I'm getting my pics of Europe back- YAY- I can't wait to see them.
Um, yeah, thats aboot it. w00t!
Love to you all
::: posted by Jen at 12:44 AM
