Sunday, August 11, 2002 :::
OK- SO!- I've been going crazy. I was writing a lot of poetry last week, packing, doing laundry, stressing out about money & moving stuff & furnature, etc. I've been a big ball of stress & I need a massage more then anything in the world right now. So, on that note, going home for a week to the new house, getting pamperd & fed for free will be a welcome change. Plus, I'm getting really sick of this city. I think that after travling around so much for 4 months then coming back & staying put in the same city for so long is, well, its just annoying me.I've gone stir crazy!!! The next 3 weeks are going to be amazing, call it a hunch, call it psychic intuition, call it what you will.
For all of you that don't know here's the plan: Chi-town for a week, LA for a week, drivin back to Boston for a week, moving into apt. Due to all that crazyness, I'm not going to be online much, especially after I leave Chi-town bc after that my soon-to-be tanned & tattoo'd ass will be crashing w/friends & livin in a car. Oh, the thrill of the open road. {sigh}. I'm especially excited to go to LA. Whenever I've been there before I've had very life altering experiances. The 1st was spiritual, the 2nd was carrear/future oriented, & its always a great time. This may sound niave, but I feel such magic there- even with the scandals that have gone on. The dirty secrets of Hollywood & all of its closeted skeletons just add to its mystique & mystery. I see my future there and the potential for everything great. Note: by the end of my road trip I will have been to over half of our great 50 states! w00t!
Love to you all!
If you should need me for any reason, as always, call the cellular! ~Jen
::: posted by Jen at 11:26 PM
