Sunday, August 04, 2002 :::
So yesterday I made mad ca$$h doing PR at a festival on Carson Beach, then I came home to my LIL J and drank too much white zinfendel. I dissereved it, it was great. Now I'm just de-stressing and trying to work bit by bit on everything I need to do here before I leave to go home. I've been thinking a lot about my carreer. (I always think way too far ahead)- & I am really just excited about it. Chatting yesterday with a good friend, we compared notes on information about a movie coming to Boston & discussed the people we know/experiance we have, & she was impressed. I am an impressive gal. I dont know why I didnt think of being a casting director years ago. I suppose it just goes to show how much I've learned about myself & the industry.
On another note: little girls nowadays scare me. I've never seen girls so young wear such little amounts of clothing and have such little amounts of respect for themselves. I want to slap Brittany Spears & tell her to put some clothes on. It really makes me sick to see 12yr olds in miniskirts & tubetops. What kind of message are they trying to send out? It just attracts the wrong type of attention. Guys dont date girls like that, they fuck them.
I'm excited to go home, my mom's got "suprises" for me. I'm scared- & shes got Dr's appt's & lady's luncheons planned for every day I'm there. I really cant wait to get to LA, but I know once I'm there, its going to go by SO fast. And I dont want it to. I looked up some cool tattoo places in LA- I will come back to Boston with something permanently implanted under my skin.
Love to you all. ~Jen "Time goes by so slowly for those who wait, & those who run seem to have all the fun."
::: posted by Jen at 1:37 PM
