Sunday, November 27, 2005 :::
I have this feeling, and it's one I've had once before this year already. I meet someone, it seems like there could really be a connection- friendship or more- and I just can't help but think, "wow, if I never see that person again, it will really be a shame." Just the thought of what could be if the universe, hell, if people in general weren't so damn scared and or selfish all the time. What a waste of a spark. It's just that you don't connect with people that often, & to have it be ignored as if its nothing special, well that's just sad.
The 1st time I had this feeling, it didn't work out as I might have hoped. Perhaps this time will be different, or maybe it will just be another one of those missed connections. Missed opportunties. Nice memories.
Time will tell, & at least I feel a poem coming out of all of this.
::: posted by Jen at 7:45 PM
