Tuesday, July 12, 2005 :::
Well my month long hiatus has come to an end! I have a new fabulous job, & not a moment too soon. Sitting in my apt, staying up until all hours of the morning & sleeping til mid-afternoon was starting to wear on my brain abit causing me to focus on completly unimportant crap, like boys. And we all know how useless that is.
Anywhoo- my new job is at Pemrick/Fronk Casting in the penthouse of this amazing office building. On my floor are also various production offices, Tom Grens production office, etc, along with a management company, & the man who does merchandizing for NSync & the Backstreet Boys, & owns Tupac's estate as well ahs having something to do do with the whole Michael Jackson/Beatles scandal going on...
We cast mainly movies randing in budget from 1.5mil to 32mil, everyone is great & it's wonderful to have co-workers again.
I am rediculously happy & back focusing on whats important- my career. At this stage of the game, I don't have time for a man in my life. I only have time for a man in my bed, or my compter.
But I did write an amazing poem lat night- not like the bullshit I've been spewing out lately- something really me. I'm at work right now but when I get home I'll be sure to type it up for all to enjoy.
Much Love, ~J
::: posted by Jen at 2:00 PM
