Wednesday, July 13, 2005 :::
This is a new poem- & it's my fave thing that I've written lately. It gets back to me.
Usually I hate when people pre-emt a poem by describing what it's about, but I'm gonna just give a little insight anyway. It's about getting to what's underneath. Underneath life, underneath people, underneath me.
I am happy to be back living where it doesn't snow. A child of the sun, I was never accustomed to the ways of winter, the layers, the darkness, the wind whispering its icy chill over me like I just fell in love. Shivering and wet.
No, I much prefer a city that hides its cold, frigid nature in the shaddows of lamposts lining the beach at night. The cold doesn't seem so bad if you can't see it. Cold is not just a temperature, it embodies the senses, takes over until it is yelling at you to turn back and warm yourself by a fire. It is a feeling of emptyness & heartbreak, whispering broken promises through white lies.
And I don't want to hear it. So, I wear my earmuffs in LA to block the sound of the hollywood elite. Nights out wondering where the gentlemen have gone, and all the faces look so sad in the dim light of a bar even though I hear laughter. And when I powder my nose in the bathroom I realize I look happy even though I feel so sad. Rejections piling high behind my eyes along with missed opportunities, cold and wet and while you may think I'm crying, it's only snow.
So, I wear my earmuffs in LA to block the sound of the word "No." Just two small letters that make up one big word that I can't seem to tell myself, let alone understand from anyone else.
No don't do it the fire isn't worth the burn. No don't do it the feeling isn't worth the heartbreak Heartbreak Heart Break Like the break between the heart and the head whenever the heart gets involved in anything, suddenly believing the match it holds can melt an ice statue of a man.
Just two small letters make up one big word. Like the one big word that hangs over this city alongside the statues of Jesus and the cross. And although I'm not religious seeing them always gives me a sense of peace. Like I'm moving through life walking alone through a blizzard. Knowing someone else is there but not being able to recognize their shape, cloaked in white so bright you'd swear it's noon, powder choking your senses.
Sometiems the only way to get through winter is to know the spring is there underneath. And while the wind may beat you, you keep going back out, searching for that one thin blade of green grass or pink sprouting bud. Using your heart as a radar for life, and the heart can get through anything enduring endless games of bait & tackle. You just keep going out, searching for that one thin blade of green grass or pink sprouting bud. Frost-bitten, heart-broken, but hoping.
Hell, I do it just to prove myself wrong. Because sometimes I want to be cold. I want to loose my senses in these sentances and run naked through the elements just to enjoy the seconds before I freeze. So, I wear my earmuffs in LA cause I'm tired of being an optimist. Sometimes I'd rather just not know.
::: posted by Jen at 12:20 AM
