Friday, June 17, 2005 :::
Life is pretty great. This hiatus thing has given me too much time to think about stupid things, but the season is picking up, & I had 2 interviews last week, so I should be back to work on something awesome in no time.
Tonight me & my girls (Team Vag...Vagina! Fuck Yea!) are going to the Hustler store in H'wood!!! I cannot wait, I'm so excited for this....
So last weekend was my weekend of random dates...3 dates in 4 days, all of them nuts, borring, or just plain wierd.....You were in a porn last week? Awesome.... I've decided that every straight single man in LA is nuts...or an actor. So I'm taking a break. No dating for Jen.
Anywhoo in case you're not on myspace heres a fun little survay: 1. Are you an innie or an outie: Innie, although I often wish I was a Sneech with a star on thar'
2. Have you ever worn bell-bottoms: Yes, they were cool for 2 seconds in the 90's.
3. Have you ever written a song: Yes I am a renaissance woman.
4. Can you make change for a dollar right now?: Yup, do you want quarters or dimes & nickles?
5. Have you ever been in the opposite sex's public toilet: Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go.
6. Have you ever smelled your own feet: By accident, when I was bending like a pretzel while...nevermind...
7.a. Do you like catsup on or beside your fries: Beside
7.b. Do you like sauce on or beside your chips: Beside, sometimes it's too spicy! Gotta regulate that shiot!
8. Can you touch your tongue to your nose: Not without cheating...but I can tie a cherry stem in a knot, that's gotta count for something!
9. Have you ever been a boy/girl scout: Negative.
10. Have you ever broken a mirror: I'm sure I've stepped on one at some time or another.
11. Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole: Is it wrong that that scene in A Christmas Story only made me want to try it? Thankfully, I am not that stupid.
12. What is your biggest pet peeve: Stupid people. In general.
13. Do you slurp your drink after it's gone:Of course, it's good to the last drop! Plus it annoys my friends, which in & of itself is reason enough for me!
14. Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk:What beverage haven't I blown bubbles in?
15. Would you rather eat a Big Mac or a Whopper: Whopper
16. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: Twice. Damn Parker & his strong drinks..get a little achohal in me & skin starts getting shown.
17. When you are at the grocery store, do you ask for paper or plastic: Plastic. Double bagged.
18. You would rather eat steak than pizza: Steak, a big hunk of steak. I'm a carnivore! Yum!
19. Did you have a baby blanket'; return true;" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 3px double; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" href="">baby blanket: Yeah it's somewhere at my mom's house.
20. Have you ever tried to cut your own hair: Yes, several times, & I'm pretty damn good.
21. Have you ever sleepwalked: Not last I checked, but that would explain some mysterious bruises...
22. Have you ever had a birthday party'; return true;" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 3px double; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" href="">birthday party at McDonalds: No, but I went to a few when I was little.
23. Can you flip your eye-lids up: Ew gross!
24. Are you double jointed: I am! In my elbows & my knees. And my hips pop out of socket. I'm like Gumby & it makes for a fun party trick!
25. If you could be any age, what age would you be: 19 was an amazing year
26. Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair: Not yet...
27. Have you ever thrown-up after a roller coaster'; return true;" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 3px double; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" href="">roller coaster ride:Yup, I'm a puker.
28. What is your dream car: BMW 7-something series & the new Mercedes are hot.
29. What is your favorite cartoon of all time: Too many to list them all! Garfield & Friends, The Real Ghostbusters, & Jem! (Because she's truely outrageous)- just to name a few.
30. Would you go swimming in shallow waters where, one year earlier, a shark had attacked a child: Yeah I'm all set, but you have fun.
32. Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit: Can't say I was ever that hungry.
33. If you were in a car sinking in a lake, what would you do first: Take out my handy-dandy window shattering device that I keep in the glove compartment. What can I say, I have a Jewish mother that gives me these things...
34. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance: Thankfully, no.
35. Can you pick something up with your toes: Of course.
36. How many remote controls'; return true;" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 3px double; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" href="">remote controls do you have in your house: 2
37. Have you ever fallen asleep in school: Yeah but just because I was so tired from my night job as a stripper...I mean from constantly doing too much.
38. How many times have you flown in an airplane in the last year: 8
39. How many foreign countries have you visited: 12...and counting!
40. If you were out of shape, would you compete in a triathlon if you were somehow guaranteed to win a big, gaudy medal: I can go to the dollar store to get a big, gaudy medal. I prefer a good sit, thank you.
41. Would you rather be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy: " Tried Poor but Happy, Guess What, Wasn't Happy."
42. If you fell into quicksand, would you try to swim or try to float: I would count on Wesley to save me, then fight off some R.O.U.S.'s. Rodent's Of Unusual Size? I don't believe they exist...
44. Do you ask for directions when you are lost: No, I just call my friends pissed off & freaking out.
45. Have you ever had a Mexican jumping bean: Mmmm, beans... Mexican & suna anyone?!?! (Inside joke, I apologize)
46. Are you more like Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland: Sleeping Beauty. Ok, Ok, Cinderella I guess.
47. Would you rather have an ant farm'; return true;" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 3px double; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" href="">ant farm with no ants or a box of crayons with broken points: Crayons cause I could melt them & make a candle with the wax!
48. Do you prefer light or dark bread: Light
49. Do you prefer scrambled or fried eggs: Fried, over easy. Just like your mom.
50. Have you ever been in a car that ran out of gas: That would suck, no.
51. Do you talk in your sleep: Super randomly & uber rarely.
52. Would you rather shovel snow or mow the lawn: Neither, but I would rather watch someone mow the lawn...preferably a shirtless, sweaty lawn boy.
53. Would you rather be bitten by a poisonous snake or constricted by a python: Bitten, they have anti-venom shots. There are no anti-bone-crushing shots.
54. Have you ever played in the rain: Yes, but don't tell my mom. She'll think I have pnemonia.
55. Which of these do you think is more dangerous: an angry bear or a hungry white shark: Yogi Bear or make the call.
56. Would you climb a very high tree to save a kitten:I'm a dog person. And aren't cats supposed to always land on their feet? If not, 8 lives left kitty! Jump! Jump!
57. Can you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator: Of course, it's all in the snout...I'm from FL.
58. Do you drink pepsi or coke: Diet coke. Through an IV as soon as it's available.
59. What's your favourite number: 8
60. If you were a car, would you be an SUV or a sports car: Sports car.
61. Have you ever accidentally taken something from a hotel: If by accidentally you mean deliberatly, then yes!
62. Would you blow your nose at the dinner table: They have bathrooms for that.
63. Have you ever slipped in the bathtub: Lost balance yes, totally wiped out, no.
64. Do you use regular or deodorant soap: Regular Pear Caress Body
65. Have you ever locked yourself out of the house: Lots. Especially in college. My R.A. loved me...
66. Would you rather make your living as a singing cowboy or as one of the Simpsons voices: Simpsons!!
67. If you could invite any movie star to your home for dinner, who would it be: Madonna. Yes she counts as a movie star. Shut up, she's got a Golden Globe.
68. Have you ever gotten a truck driver to honk his horn: I'm a chick, of course.
69. Which would you rather live with: a huge nose or crossed eyes: I have a huge nose, so I'm slightly offended by this question.
70. Would you hang out with someone your best friend didn't like: Sure.
71. Would you hang out with someone your best friend liked, but you didn't like: I'd suck it up & give the person the benefit of the doubt for my friend.
72. Have you ever returned a gift: Yes but it was from some relative I didn't know or something.
73. Would you give someone else a gift that had been given to you: No, but my mom used to get all these random bath-good gift baskets'; return true;" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 3px double; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" href="">gift baskets from her students that I'd use for secret santas in school...hey, single mom, saved money.
74. If you could attend an Olympic Event, what would it be: Men's Gymnastics. Nuff said.
75. How many pairs of shoes do you own: 50? I lost track.
76. If your grandmother gave you a gift that you already have, would you tell her: Nope. Anything my nana gives me is special just because it's from her.
77. Do you sing in the car: Yes, I want to be on that VH1 show...I'm amazing. I also sing everywhere else.
78. Would you rather jump into a dumpster or into a vat of honey: Honey. I'd taste great & be ready for a wax!
79. What is your favourite breed of dog: Ohh thats tough, Cocker Spaniel, King Charles Spaniel, & Weimaraner.
80. Would you donate money to feed starving animals in the winter: It's winter, aren't they supposed to be hibernating or something? But I am weak for anything cute, so yes.
81. If you were a bicycle, would you be a stingray or a mountain bike'; return true;" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 3px double; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" href="">mountain bike: Stingray. Why not?
82. What is your least favourite fruit: Plum
83. What kind of fruit have you never had: Schnozberry.
84. If you won a $5,000 shopping spree to any store, which store would you pick:H&M...oh how I miss you (sigh)
85. What brand sports apparel do you wear the most: Puma, they make the best kicks. 86. Are/were you a good student: Can we say "over-achiever?"
87. Among your friends, who could you arm wrestle and beat: Megs the Megalicious Megatron- because I already did! Who's laughing now biotch!! Wanna arm wrestle??
88. If you had to choose, what branch of the military would you be in: Go Navy!
89. Would you ever parachute out of a plane: Definatly.
90. What do you think is your best feature: My eyes...not going for the obvious here people, give me some credit.
91. If you were to win a grammy, what kind of music would it be for: Jazz
92. What is your favourite season: Fall because that means its time for my birthday!
93. How many members do you have in your immediate family: 4
94. Which of the five senses is most important to you: Sight, I'm clumsy enough as it is.
95. Would you be a more successful painter or singer: Singer
97. How many years will/did you end up going to college: 4. I miss college sometimes...
98. Have you ever had surgery: Lots.
99. Would you rather be a professional figure skater or professional football player: Figure skater! They make it look so easy!
100. What do you like to collect: Dolls, shoes, clothes, antique jewlery, Madonna stuff, & the souls of stupid boys.
::: posted by Jen at 3:50 PM
