Monday, June 20, 2005 :::
I've been thinking about how interesting life is and the waves in which people pass out of & occasionally back into your life. Recently I've gotten much closer to my Waddells, & while we were always in contact, there were a few years there where we weren't as close just simply because of college and other obligations...& then there are the other randy-mc-random 5 or so people I hadn't talked to in YEARS that have recently started talking to again. Most importantly, my old friend Janine.
The thing is, my older brother always told me that after graduation I would loose contact with one more friend each year or so...but as time goes by, I seem to get back in contact with old friends...perhaps its technology us wipper snappers use these days that keep us connected to people we would have no idea how to find otherwise, but whatever it is, I'm thankfull for it.
While I'd like to think I've changed a lot since high school (I KNOW I have in some ways,) I find myself while talking to old friends thinking about how much they haven't changed. And about how no matter what, we are really deep down the same people we were back at SOA. (Which makes me question my trust of people who have wronged me in the past, but que cerra cerra- or however you spell that). It just makes me think about the people in my life now and the different roles we will all play over the coming years.
On another note: this hiatus thing is giving me waaay too much time to think.
I did, however, go out & get my dress for my brothers wedding which is at the end of July in Buffalo, NY. I'm in love with this dress. I'm seriously contemplating taking a que from Pee Wee Herman & marrying it.
The summer TV season is desperatly depressing with no new OC or Grey's Anatomy in sight for months.
Quote of the Week: I figure, why be in one possibly dis-satisfying relationship when I can be in several dis-satisfying relationships at once!
Word of the Week: Cooch
I'm going to start something new here called: Wadella's Quote of the Week: (In reference to my random lyric quoting skills) God, if I were straight I would fly to LA, fuck you, & marry you.
I think that's about it for now. ~J (or ~N, depending on who you are...)
::: posted by Jen at 3:30 AM
