Tuesday, December 03, 2002 :::
I'm not sure what the emotion is I'm feeling right now. I think it's toyed with- just like some higher power is toying with me almost- but thats not exactly it. This semester is almost at its end, and I haven't written anything good for a while, Ive got a sort of writers block, but it's only because I generally write when things are bothering me: It's hard to write a happy poem! This semester went by really fast- and it seems like last year was yesterday- this weekend is John's birthday party & I can remember exactly what was going on in my life at this exact time last year, it was just that markable a time in my life. I remember each day, each conversation I had with a special person entering my life and each argument with one exiting. I remember the phone conversations with a guy who is now my best friend amazingness, and friends that are no longer friends. So yeah, Its been an eventful year . I'm just sick of this city I suppose.ITS FREEZING here- definatly one degree wind chill and I just dont know what to do with that. BUT, love to you all. ~J
::: posted by Jen at 11:50 PM
