Saturday, October 12, 2002 :::
I had a really really fucked up dream last night, with several parts. One part, I was on a large ship with a bunch of people, I dont know who. And it started sinking like it was the Titanic. I ran out on deck, looked out to the ocean & started calling people on my cell phone to tell them I was going down. Looking out onto the water I saw a flash of light & an image of the green line T. I was on the phone with someone as I saw it saying how I wished I was on land & in Boston & that I think I just saw it. I called my mom even. Some important papers or letters I was holding flew out of my hand & I just hoped someone I loved would eventually find them somehow. It was scary. But I was strangly calm, not crying or freaking out. Just calm.It was one of those "what would you do/who would you call if you found out you only had a small amount of time left to live." The other part of my dream was, I was living in LA I think. But sharing a room with 3 or 4 other people I currently know (none of whom are actually going to LA)- but someone was in my bed & then he left. I somehow forgot that his ex's best friend was one of the people in my room & she like picked up the phone & called her saying all these horrible things about me- that I manipulated everything & was just waiting for this person to be single, etc. I grabbed the phone & was actually really nice to this person I strongly dislike. It was wierd. I really didnt want her to hate me even though in real life I couldnt give 2 goats asses. Strange. I feel strange. Life has been really wierd lately. Good, but wierd.
::: posted by Jen at 2:38 PM
