Friday, September 20, 2002 :::
I feel much better then I did at my last post. I've let go. I've let go of it all- of the control- of everything & I feel pretty good & secure with the future because I think I know the course it will take. I went back to Boston Casting today & ran an audition for IBM all day. Im going in Tuesday morning for an audition that I HOPE & WISH I get- because I really need the $. Also, my birthday is coming up. Oct.2nd is the bday, Oct 4th is the par-tay!Dicks Last Resort for dinner @ 7, party @ my place at 10. Call or IM me for directions! (BYOB) I want to have sex on my birthday, I dunno, it would just be nice. :( Im also working on furnature & location for the movie I'm producing & I'm really excited about how all that is working out. I'm pretty damn good at producing if I do say so myself. Henry Winkler came & spoke the other day. He's such a doll, he was like "ooh how are you? I havent seen you in a few years! Tell your mother I say hi..." & him being a Theta I gave him the handshake. It was fab. I just feel like there's something missing- and I think its that I dont like having an empty bed. I miss having someone who's the last voice I hear ( words I read, whatever) before I fall asleep. I want someone I can just call & have come over & hang out & be silly & just lay around. Or at least someone I can call & have be there & trust.I'm almost 20. Wow. I'm SO OLD. When did this happen? Its so wierd to think of the places life leads you & the people that come in & out of your life. 5 years ago everyone I know now existed somewhere, I just didnt know them. It seems like yesterday I was a junior in highschool turning 16. It's crazy. LIFE! &I've got a special rose I've had for almost a year thats gone through storage & back twice & now is hanging on my wall- I've dropped it twice- & its barely lost a petal- wierd. Ok thats enough for now, I'm going to finish my Heineken which I wish was a Corona & go bunny. "So she won't sleep better alone. And he won't sleep better alone. No, they won't feel better alone. They took the time to reflect even as the competition is breeding every day. On top of a jealous home she feels she could connect. He was an opinionated fool, he couldnt just pretend that she was there in the next room. So she won't sleep better alone. And he won't sleep better alone. No, they won't feel better alone. No, they won't sleep better alone."-Pete Yorn
Love to you all~Jen
::: posted by Jen at 11:56 PM
