Thursday, September 12, 2002 :::
I feel emotionally congested like I've got an emotional chest cold or some other metaphoric crap like that.Some people are just not ready for my jelly. But the world doesn't stop throwing days at you...and T's & cars dont stop when you're trying to cross the street... Last night I watched The Family Man for the 1st time in years- & it was kinda funny because I want a life like that- I want a life where I meet someone & just choose "us" & have a family & work & be happy someday. Nick's character was a big jerk in a lot of it & my roomate was like "This is the movie of everything Jen would KILL her husband for..." it was kinda funny. And now I'm just sitting here in my empty apartment in my room listing to music. And allowing that to be enough for me for now. Tomorrow is the Org. Fair- which I'm excited about. All my friends will be there at some point so it should be good times.I also want to talk to the people who run Emerson Casting & get involved with that.Anyhoo, I'm really excited about going back to my internship next week, I've missed that little but of my life that exists in the real world beyond college. I've got reading to do & a 5pg script of some sort to write about an argument. Any kind of argument about anything. Any ideas?
Until we meet again~Rev'rin Masta J signing off.
::: posted by Jen at 7:30 PM
