Thursday, July 18, 2002 :::
Revelation of the day: I just realized that I was supposed to come to this school. Not for any reason other then to set in place the people that are in my life right now. Its wierd to think, but since I'm a year ahead in school, that if I wasnt, I wound't know ANY of the same people I do now. Because of that one decision, the entire path of my life is different than it potentially would have been. Who knows what I would have been like. But I'm glad that my life has taken the course it has so far. Everything for a reason- and I think that everything up to this point was as it was just so everyone that is in my life, at this time, would be in my life. If that makes sense.
On another note: I think I'm going to need glasses within a year or two from being on computers all day/ watching videos, etc. But thats ok, I like glasses, and maybe I'm just being paranoid, but my eyes do hurt & get blurry sometimes. CRAP_LATE FOR WORK. PO- Jen
::: posted by Jen at 1:32 PM
