Sunday, June 30, 2002 :::
To quote Steven Tyler: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack in the saddle agaaaiin. I've been crazy lately. I dont know what has been up with me. I've been acting like an overly emotional nutbag. Maybe I've been PMSing, but I think it's just been a transitional thing, coming back from such a life altering experiance and trying to blend everything I learned & everything I saw into the person I was before I left while trying to relate the experiance to the people I love. It's been really hard for me, just jumping back into the boston scene while feeling so many strong emotions for so many things & people. I've been feeling in ways I never knew I would about people I never expected to care for even half as much as I do. And my heart is tired from trying to figure things out, things which shouldnt even be attempted. But, the 1st summer session is almost all over- Tuesday is the last day! Then its just a month & a half till I'm in Chi-town, & then LA. I can't wait to go to LA. It just feels like home to me, and I could use a bit'o that feeling. I'm happy though. I've been goin out a lot, meeting lots of new people, & really just livin life as it comes to me. I live & love with both hands, & sometimes my feet. Sure, things may get messy sometimes, but anyother way just wouldnt be half as fun!
Love to you all!
I promise to write more often! Sorry! Quit complaining- All of you!
::: posted by Jen at 11:30 PM
