Sunday, June 02, 2002 :::
This summer:
2 Jobs (Emerson Channel & Ben & Jerry's)
+1 Internship (Boston Casting)
+2 Awesometastic Roomates =
"I dreamed you, I saw your face. Cut my lifeline when drifting through space. I saw an angel. I saw my fate. I can only thank God it was not too late. Over mountains I floated away. 'Cross an ocean I dreamed your name. I followed an angel down through the gates, I can only thank God it was not too late. Sing a little song of loneliness. Sing one to make me smile. Another round for everyone, I'm here for a little while. Now I'm walking this street on my own. But you're with me everywhere I go. Yeah I found an angel. I found my place. I can only thank God it was not too late. I can only thank God it was not too late."
::: posted by Jen at 6:47 PM
