Monday, June 10, 2002 :::
I've gotten complaints (ok, one)- that I haven't written enough lately. I think thats a good thing, that I'm not sitting here writing all the time, that I'm getting out & having a life again, but I must keep the masses happy. My mom was in town, now shes gone, so I've got to really start working this week. For real. 7days a week. I just want to curl up in a ball in my bed and watch my Moulin Rouge DVD and be girly & cry and release all the emotion I've got locked up right now. Its been an emotional weekend I think. Things are never as simple in reality as they are in conception. Quality cuddle time. "Do we have a turtle?"
I feel a poem comin on, so I'll probably be updating again soon. " kiss me hard 'cause this will be the last time that I let you."
I miss Sarah & Miles :(
::: posted by Jen at 6:21 PM
