Tuesday, May 21, 2002 :::
There's some things I expect from my life, both overall & day to day. I make plans for myself & stick to them. 5 year plans, day to day plans. They all work out. Usually. There was one thing I was expecting upon my homecoming that didnt happen. One little thing that I wasnt going to get my hopes up about, but still thought about like mad. One little thing fell through in a way I did not expect it to & came crashing through my frustrations. But, as I always say, time rewards. It just may take a while sometimes for others to appreciate what you are willing to give. But I've got a job (Programing Asst. for the Emerson Channel) that I was supposed to start today, now I'm not starting till Thursday. And I've been emailing back & forth with a local talent ageny & it looks like I might be getting an internship as well this summer. Go me. I am a golden god. Got an apt, movin in Sept. 1st. Ive got great friends who let me crash at their apts because I am homeless until the 27th. Now I just need to make $$, pay off my credit card, & get a ticket to LA for Aug. Little things, little things.
that is all.
::: posted by Jen at 4:27 PM
