Tuesday, May 21, 2002 :::
There's some things I expect from my life, both overall & day to day. I make plans for myself & stick to them. 5 year plans, day to day plans. They all work out. Usually. There was one thing I was expecting upon my homecoming that didnt happen. One little thing that I wasnt going to get my hopes up about, but still thought about like mad. One little thing fell through in a way I did not expect it to & came crashing through my frustrations. But, as I always say, time rewards. It just may take a while sometimes for others to appreciate what you are willing to give. But I've got a job (Programing Asst. for the Emerson Channel) that I was supposed to start today, now I'm not starting till Thursday. And I've been emailing back & forth with a local talent ageny & it looks like I might be getting an internship as well this summer. Go me. I am a golden god. Got an apt, movin in Sept. 1st. Ive got great friends who let me crash at their apts because I am homeless until the 27th. Now I just need to make $$, pay off my credit card, & get a ticket to LA for Aug. Little things, little things.
that is all.
::: posted by Jen at 4:27 PM
Saturday, May 04, 2002 :::
omfg it is so good to be home. But, heres a lil sumthin I wrote on my last night at the castle, in part as a note to all of those who I grew close to in the semester. I'm going to email it to the entire group once the contact list goes out:
I am leaving the castle tomorrow moring. Forever. ( or at least until our potential 2012 May 1st reunion). This has been the most intimate experiance of my life and I love all of my 78 castle dwellers. We have all shared an experiance that no one else could ever begin to understand, in fact, I hardly understand it myself sometimes. I will cherish all of the memories and bonds we have made in our semester studying & traveling in europe, forever. You are the makers of the stories I will one day share with my children. I've been looking so foreward to going home- yet now that its here, I want to continue to build the friendships I have made & continue on my path here. But life, as it is crazy sometimes, is leading all of us back to Bostonm and although the setting & time will be different I know that the respect and utter joy I feel for all of you will continue. Thank you for the memories, laughs, hugs, dances, tears, and above all, friendship. We are truely a group with "special energy" There are so many good people in this world, & I feel privelidged to have shared this experiance with all of you.
So thats that letter-then, because the internet was down & I couldnt write here, I made some notes to myself on paper:
I will miss the Vink.
I have lived in a CASTLE for almost 4 months. I have been to over 10 countries. I never thought I would cry about leaving. I never thought that when Miles said that theyd all be waiting for me when I got back that they would be. I never thought I would/could have such good friends. My friends are amazing people.
I've learned that I'm very low mantenance in all relationships in life...day to day life, not so much. (i already knew i couldnt spell...)
i forgot all about PUSH IT DOWN for waaaaaay too long.
i got a cell phone. it r0ks0rs my b0cks0rs.
you can call me ANYTIME...ANY TIME- right.
Love & Epherial Giddyness to you all,
::: posted by Jen at 9:02 PM
