Monday, April 15, 2002 :::
Over the required excursion to Munich I also visited the first concentration camp ever built: Dachau.I was in tears the entire day, and I am still processing the entire thing.
But I did write a new poem/stream of councious thing, its not titled as of yet & I'm not sure if its done or not either:
I smoke because it goes with my style. Makes a good accessory to any outfit. Like my nose ring. A hard blank statement of "dont fuck with me"-ness. And I think it's because I've been fucked with enough. Pushed around by my heart strings and led around by my umbilical cord. The Marlbourough Man screams, "I'll burn you, fucker!" Just because I don't speak your native tongue doesn't mean I couldn't kick your ass if you look at me the wrong way or slyly whisper "How YOU Doin?!" in my unwilling virgin ears...even though they've heard much worse from men who are much more deadly. At least with "How YOU Doin?!" you know what they mean and what they want. Because declorations of my unwavering beauty and strength don't mean shit if you're a shallow hole of a man-boy. At least "How YOU Doin?!" is the truth. Unlike materiail gifts to buy my love. I'm not that easy. Don't get me anything unless it's a big chain of the truth, and even then, I just want a picture of you with it hanging around your neck. You- subjective you. You in general. You as a populace. My nails and my gut are growing out, throw me the file, quick! I need to make another notch in my belt of hard knocks before the beauty of my surroundings sets in and I become no more then just another pretty statue.
::: posted by Jen at 11:59 AM
