Saturday, April 20, 2002 :::
In the Netherlands, everyday is 4/20, but today was stil special to us. I got up early to go get my hair done in Bergen w/LJ. Turned out really really nice suprisingly, bc I was scared of what the outcome would be-BUTmy hair is pretty much its natural color, but with honey blond highlights all over it & its really soft too! They did however, use those old fashioned caps they pull your hair through which hurt SO BAD...its like someone tweasing your hairs out of your head, or a really long wax...even worse with long, thick hair like mine. But, beauty is pain i suppose. After that, LJ & I had planned to go to Amsterdam, but we decided that we had disserved chinese for a late lunch, so we hopped on the bus & went to Nijmegan (the next big city over from Bergen) & found a coffee shop! Came back to the castle, smoked for 4:20 on 4/20 for Boston at 10:20 our time, & just got back from smoking at 4:20 LA time which is 1:20am for me. Also: best quote of the night award goes to: Chris O.: "You must open your eyes & look at the world as though it is your dream."
Song of the day that we actually heard while we were smoking "I was gonna clean my room but then I got high, I was gonna get up & find the broom, but then I got high. My room is still messed up & I know why..yeah yeah because I got high because I got high because I got high" & its funny because I meant to do that today & it just didnt happen. Its funny cause its true! & on a final note: LJ & I contemplated having sex with random guys because we NEED it. We really didnt even talk to them, but after we left the coffee shop it was like "DAMN-" Excpet LJ has a FAB boyfriend & were not those types of girls.
PO & love to you all
::: posted by Jen at 8:02 PM
