Wednesday, April 03, 2002 :::
I am frustrated with life & all of its uncertainties today.
Last weekend my mom was here-nuff said.
We went to Bruge-there had been an anarchy rally earlier that day & there was a banner up saying "Star of David=USA=Swatstika=USA=Star of David=USA=Swastika"
It was really upsetting, considering I am both American & Jewish.
Then went to Amsterdam, got high, went to another Live Sex show-this one w/men & women. Lots of sex that I'm not having. AWESOME. GOOD FOR THEM. right-
On the alternate list for summer conference & I refuse to spend the summer in Chicago b/c either my mom or I will not make it through. It would suck being in a town where I know NO ONE, even though Chi-town is phat.
I wish I was european or british. The europeans just have such a rich culture & by comparison americans are just so bland. But it is cool that our people came to america for religious freedom.
I'm just sick of uncertainty in my life-with people, places, mind & body, just EVERYTHING. I need one thing thats certain right now. Just one. One thing, one person-one anything. If you know of something that is escaping me, dont hold out on me. Send me an email. I leave tomorrow for travel break @ 7pm after a 6hr acting class. Make me happy. Im usually enough to get the job done but today I'm so flustered I think I need some help w/the job. I dont know the last time I felt so stressed.
"Welcome to your life. There's no turning back. Even while you sleep, we will find you acting on your best behavior, Nothing ever lasts forever. Everybody wants to rule the world."- Tears for Fears-GOOD FUCKING BAND-whatever happend to them? They rocked.
::: posted by Jen at 6:32 PM
