Monday, April 15, 2002 :::
Hmm, been a while, things here have been crazy. Travel break started with a group excursion to Munich. I personally didn't know what to expect in that city, but I had an amazing time there. Emerson took over this enourmous beer place called the Hoffbraugh House, crazyness ensued. Then the next night I went out with Jen W., Brad, LJ & Drew to a local bar & ended up playing the best game of "AssHole" in my life. We started asking really indepth questions such as "Go around & say one thing you like about each person at the table" "Say one way you've changed at the castle" "Explain the scariest moment in your life" etc. By the end of the night we had all cried, & I dont cry. I've had an issue with that lately, so it was amazing to get out a lot of emotion I had been holding back for whatever reason. Brad bought a red rose for his girl Jen W. & white roses for me & LJ. It was really a fabulous night. Even the days in Munich were fab. Lots of museams & squares & GREAT SUSHIIIIIIII I LOVE SUSHI! I'd missed it sooo much.
Then I left Munich with Christine to go to Rome. Our friend Heather joined us the next day (shes in Art II so had an extra day of required things in Munich). Rome was astounding-toured the Collesuim, ancient ruins, fountains, etc. Was in Rome for 3 days, then left for Florence-the weather was shit there. It was in Florence I discovered I really am a very different traveler than the girls I was with. They liked to get up early & look at churches all day. Personally I've had my fill of churches for a lifetime, and after seeing the Sistine Chapel & The Notre Damn, nothing could ever compare, so I went off on my own a lot, which was actually really nice.
I was only in Venice one day, but I swear it is the most beautiful city I have ever seen-I want to go back-there's just a romantic beautiful ambiance surrounding the canals & tiny side streets. I bought a lot this trip: leather racing jacket (black with red & tan racing stripes down the front & sleeves), leather purse, some gifts, a mask, a ring, posters, etc. I'm going to have one well decorated APT-YES, I said APARTMENT -John & I are getting a place! We're going to start looking when I get back to Boston days!!! With taste like John's & class like mine, our apartment is going to be HOT-I cannot wait. I smell a FAB-u-lous housewarming party comin' on...& mb even a New Years soiree, you neva know.
I can't believe my time here is almost through, I've definatly taken another step in my transformation to the woman I will become, mentally at least. Physically, dont expect a big change when you see me. My hair's longer, I've got a new nose ring, & thats about it besides some new european clothes & jewlery. I may have a new piercing when I return but I'm waiting to get my tattoo till I get back to the US.
I traveled back from Venice by myself and couldnt get a sleeping car for the overnight train, so I was in a seat-car with 3 very very nice men in their 30's-40's approx. One was German but living in the states, another was born in the UK but Italian & living in Italy, & the last was half Italian & half Pakistan. The latter of the 3 & I discussed politics in Jenin for a while. He actually lives just outside of Jenin & he left for buisness the day before they closed the border. His wife & children are still there- it was just a very educational train ride.
::: posted by Jen at 7:12 AM
