Monday, April 22, 2002 :::
"And I think it's gonna be a long, long time till touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at all. Oh nonono. I'm a rocket man." I am a rocket man. "Well you know the way I left was not the way I planned; But I thought the world needed love and a steady hand."
My time here is coming to a quick close. It seems like just yesterday the busses pulled up to the castle for the 1st time and we all emmerged with wonder, mystery & excitement in our eyes, questioning what was to be. But now all the sites have been seen, countries explored, ,journies & pictures taken, and we await our flight home with a certain sad willingness-Sad to leave but greatful to have had the experiance in & of itself & we're all greatly looking foreward to seeing our friends & family (& friends that are more like family) once again. I feel as though I have so many stories to share, yet no words to really explain the things I've seen, people I've encountered or even the friendships I have built in my time at the castle, but I look foreward to trying. You all know I am rarely at a loss for words. I've really grown into myself here-as the quiet observer of socail situations & making up for that by being the loud vibrant friend who gives good advice & can be counted on for a euro here or there,bum a smoke etc, or just to be there to rub a back, hold back hair, or be a shoulder to cry on. I've tried to be a "sponge" as my favorite novel, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower," boasts.
I've done the "When in Rome.." to the fullest extent of its literal & figurative limitations & have truely discovered that, as clishe as it may be, "Home is where the heart is" & "Theres no place like home"-& right now, my heart & my home are in Boston. My family is moving to Chi-town in a week or so, so with that, I'm not sure when I will be in FL again-& thats wierd, being born & raised there. My friends in sunny F-L-A, you ALWAYS have a place to stay in beantown & I cherish everything that we have been to eachother since high school (centuries ago, eh?), whether I tell you enough or not. But, I figure, "the world needs love & a steady hand," thus, it is my time to move on once again. As Billy Joel puts it well, "Life is a series of hello's & goodbyes. I'm afraid its time for goodbye again." At every goodbye there is just another hello waiting around the corner. In my case, around the customs corner after a 6hr flight (ba-dum-bum chig!). But seriously folks, I am a happy person. Some where in my wicked childhood I MUST have done something good. I believe that life rewards you for taking chances & coming to europe was a big chance for me-a chance to explore & grow & also a chance with uncertainty-4 months of uncertainty with people & issues left behind, troubles i might encounter & things I might discover about myself. I have taken on this chance & conquered it barely breaking a neuroticly-over-analytical sweat.
Goodnight & Love to you,
::: posted by Jen at 8:40 PM
