Friday, March 22, 2002 :::
I think im little girl
Wrapped in a hard black shell
With a pink bow
Sometimes tears choke me like hands with fake nails
Stuck-they've formed a thick paste within
Do u think u could be the one to help me scrape them out?
I need a sketch artist to paint my Rorschach
Tell me what you find
Even though i'll probably dissagree
Then there's this woman
Wearin' a black suit & doin' the bitch walk
Starred eyes mask my
Ruby cave with candy inside
Whats your favorite candy, little one? 'cause my shelves are stocked.
Do u think you could be the one to fill me up with you, because my gas gage is blinkin
I'm currently accepting applications
Theres only one question it wont take long
Why do YOU want ME?
If its because i want you, well thats just not good enough.
I need an answer more substancial
Something with more thought then a 'just because'
Because my veins are thin from years of slippers
And my ribcage is busting with the salt of many months
Held back by asthma attacks on tile floors
Locked away are some feelings i know i deserve to let free
Because i was a good girl for so many years
A compliantly difficult young lady
But a good girl
The kind u could bring home to mom for christmas dinner
Because im not that jewish
Or lay down
Because im not that good
Im the type that brings myself to show and tell
To sing a song or dance the way i taught madonna
I'll tell you how it really is if the class can stand it
If its not too progressive
Like my memories of my childhood
That i didn't quite have
I think the little girl is getting her kicks now
In a more seductive way
Like barbie played with ken
Kissing plastic lips not quite fitting together (even though we tried so hard her red lipstick wore off)
And this woman will have her time
When the shoulder is ripe for crying
Or biting
When i stop biting my nails long enough for them to be long enough to scratch my name into someones back
I'll let you know
When the deadline is.
::: posted by Jen at 9:30 PM
