Saturday, March 02, 2002 :::
Today: because its the weekend, not many people are at the castle, so we had an "American Style" breakfast. Made me feel like I swallowed a log. After that was a 3 hour nap. LJ & I had a girls night last night, which ended at 4am, so a nap was well in order. Went to Venlo with the intention to buy a new pair of gloves, a new wallet, mb some cute lacey stuff & chocolate body paint, I mean...right...who knows....however, all was for not. We ended up leaving at 6pm-because the stores were all closed, we did somehow manage to hit up a coffee shop before headin back to the castle for another nap & some studying. On our walk back to the bus station, LJ remarked: "it's a good thing we have glasses otherwise people might know that we're stoned"
(It's just one of those "When in Rome" sort of things.)
Tomorrow: laundry, reading, cleaning...I live in a castle dont I? Shouldn't there be surfs or peasents to do that sort of thing for me??
Certain loved ones could really be seeking your attention today. And you should be getting more appreciation for your own originality and creativity right now. So don't be afraid to express yourself in some highly original and unusual ways. A friend or loved one could be surprising you in some way today.
Well, today's over & I definatly didn't get a suprise. Except that I didn't get housing, so Im getting an apartment w/Sarah & Boyfriend John! Im really excited actually-its gonna be amazing. My mom is interested in looking into buying an apartment because its a "Good investment"-wow. I dont know who the woman was I was talking to on IM, but I hope she keeps my mother locked up.
You ever get the feeling somones avoiding you?
"We'll crucify the insincere tonight."
::: posted by Jen at 8:20 PM
