Wednesday, March 20, 2002 :::
I was told tonight by my friends that I "talk about sex" more then anyone my friends know. GO ME! -I cant help it if I'm deprived. I told um to find me a man & I'll shut up-dont see that happening, so then I was told to get a vibrator, but those just arent the same, you know? Oh well. It seems as though I am stuck in my sexual frustration, ah vell, such is Mango. -I guess its yet another price you pay for living in a castle. I think I have an invisible chastity belt that like, sends off some high-pitched sound only men can hear. What do you think? Can you hear it?
I know this entry is WAY TMI for a lot of you, but hey, I said when I started this weblog that I was starting it for selfish reasons-so there you go.
PO- & goodnight. Wish me sweet dreams ;o)
::: posted by Jen at 6:33 PM
