Sunday, March 24, 2002 :::
Ok I just had a tarot reading-one of my professors here @ the castle does them occasionally. It told me some interesting things & somethings I didn't nesessarily want to hear, but here's the gist:
I'm at a point right now in my life where I'm feeling very emotionaly & mentally secure & with-it. (true). I also learned a lot of lessons at a very young age in my development (which come into play later). Also, sometime in the near past I made a bad decision. I wanted more clarification on that issue, so after drawing another card, it was determined that I went into this with all good intentions-thinking it was a good decision & basically, somewhere along the way, it just became bad. (very very true). Within the next year there will be a work/carreer related issue that will need to be taken slowly but surely (one of the lessons from my childhood)-otherwise it will crumble before me, so I should be careful. I asked another question about another issue thats been on my mind for the past few months & what came up wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, although it's been on my mind. Basically theres a genuinly good person, somewhat immature or selfish, or just not ready or willing to give me what I want or need, although I've put in a lot of hard work into the interactions-put in as much as I possibly can, but the fact remains that people & things look different in sunlight then they do by the light of the moon, & I'm starting to realize this. This also tied into the cards dealing with an undertaking that appeared to be good but went bad somewhere along the line. Interesting. Very interesting. I love tarot readings. They just always make me more aware of the person I am & things going on in my life. May the cosmos lay as they will.
::: posted by Jen at 3:18 PM
