Thursday, March 07, 2002 :::
Your most important relationships could really be benefiting from the energies coming your way today. You could be challenged to quit dreaming and start moving forward towards making your aspirations a reality where your relationships are concerned right now.
Hm. Ok, well, I'm ready to leave for Switzerland, unfortunatly, we're not leaving for another hour & a half!
I thought of some more "Things I've learned this semester": I've learned the correct pronunciation of my last name (over & over again by the faculty at the castle & by EVERYONE IN EUROPE!)-correctly, it is pronounced "NOI-scht-ine" but I wont take offence if you call me by the regular old Americanized version. Also, I've learned what my last name means: New Stone. Interesting I suppose.
Acting class was actually really good today, as good as a 6 hour intensive studio class can be.
Today we all got little letters from Boston! Class Council set up a table in front of the DH so people could just write little Hello's & Dana (who arrived here today to work on a project w/Mikee)-brought them. Best thing ever.
I just feel very emotionally drained from being too "people sick" Something reminded me of Miles last night & I seriously sat down & thought about how much I missed him for like 10minutes, & thats been happening about a lot of people this past week, so I'm really glad to be leaving for a much needed weekend of EXTREME WINTER SPORTS! (dont worry mom, I'll be careful) & we got those little pieces of Boston today. (except i think one of the other Jen's here got the one from Sarah instead of me, I'll ask um when I see um though). BUT...all is good. I'm insainly jealous of everyone thats going to LA for Spring Break, mainly because they're all going to be together, then I slap myself & say "Jen, YOURE IN EUROPE"- & all is good. (sigh). I swear some people I know are only figments of my imagination-haunting, lingering figments. I'll be in touch Sunday night or Monday. Dont miss me too much. ;o)
::: posted by Jen at 1:57 PM
