Monday, March 04, 2002 :::
I had this crazy thought in my head a few months back & had no where to write it or express it, so I'm going to do it here. Because I can. I've decided that judging by some past events, I'm going to be 'the one that got away' for a lot of people in my life in neumerous ways. Just because I'm one of those types of friends/relationship persons who others assume will "always be there" or will "always come around." I "always understand" every one else's situations and "respect" them, until I get sick of getting zippo in return-or bitched at even-I'm going to try to make myself more clear in the future. I am a force to be reconed with. Karma is a bitch & so am I. Hellz yeah motha fucka!
Sarah, my love: We are really having the friendship I've had nightmares about. -SHOULDNT U BE EATING SOME FIGS? SHOVE THE FUCKING DATES UP UR BIG GOAT ASS!
Sarge-miss you miss you miss you. I cannot say it enough.
I love everyone. YAY FOR THE WORLD!
I'm working to make the familiar anthropologically strange.
"Love is a bourgeoise ideal."-Peiter Vjierman (my World Drama teacher-he's FAB-ulous.)
::: posted by Jen at 6:46 AM
