Monday, March 11, 2002 :::
"Dankeschon, darlin, dankeshon." Wvelcomen ben vienue, welcome.." What a German filled weekend! - amazing, but if you're reading this, you probably got my email all about it. If not, drop me a line & I'll foreward it ;)
I was kinda dissapointed that I couldnt skydive or canyon jump b/c of my funds, but I figured if I'm gonna be up in the sky, I want to really SEE everything. I pick my poisons, It's all about a little self compromise. A lot of my peeps are in LA right now, I called Miles & Sarah earlier -talked to Sarah for the 1st time since I've been here-it was so good to hear her voice. I've got some poetry to add here & things like that. My mind is kind of a mush pot right now, swirling with a bunch of things. My mom sent me a MAJOR package today-more chocolate then I could ever eat in my life & I got a card from Sarah-made me cry. I love mail & little pieces of loved ones that come along with them. -HINT-HINT. Man, I had a lot to write, now my minds a blank. SO-I'm just gonna put some quotes that always make me think of a lot of things/people. Take from it what you will.
"You try to tell yourself the things you try to tell yourself to make yourself forget. I am not worried. 'If it's love,' she said, 'then we're going to have to think about the consequences.' She can't stop shaking I can't stop touching her-but I'm not gonna break, & I'm not gonna bend, & I'm not gonna worry about it anymore." "Either way now, I don't really care, I'm not there. I'm almost drowning in her sea, she's nearly crawling on her knees. She's down on her knees. I'm just another rider burned to the ground." -Counting Crows
"I'm not with you, not of you. Not with you, not of you. I am soft and young to you. You are the ghost who comes & goes & I hope I'll catch you in the throws of one last look in wonder.."
"Where you think you'll fall, I adore you. Where you shut your soul, I will open for you. Silver eyes, I can see us shine."
"Must I always dream and see your face? Why can't we overcome this wall. Maybe it's just I didn't know you at all. Kiss me, please kiss me, but kiss me out of desire & not consolation."
"And maybe I'm too young to keep good love from going wrong. But tonight you're on my mind (you'll never know). Too young to hold on, & too old to just break free and run. So I'll wait for you, & I'll burn, or will I ever learn? It's never over. My kingdom for a kiss upon your shoulder. It's never over. You're the tear that hangs inside my soul forever. "
"The welts of your scorn, my love, give me more, Send whips of opinion down my back, give me more."
----Jeff Buckley
::: posted by Jen at 5:51 PM
