Tuesday, March 05, 2002 :::
Bored & waiting for dinner because I havent eaten yet today. Yeah. 2 midterms down, 1 paper due Thurs & another due next week sometime. Castle papers are really short though-I'm talkin 3 or 4 pages, which is absolutly nothing, I can spit that out in an hour and a half. Gotta go tomorrow to Venlo to get train tickets for the weekend trip to Interloken, Switzerland. Paragliding & skiing & hot tubs!? OH MY!
" I need a raincoat
I need a phone call
I need a big love
I need a plane ride
I need a sun burn
I need a phone call
I need a raincoat.
There's things I remember & things I forget. I miss you. I guess that I should. 3,500 miles away, but what would you change if you could?"-Counting Crows
::: posted by Jen at 11:51 AM
