Monday, February 25, 2002 :::
Wow, so this is just a test run of I'm starting this for kinda selfish reasons I suppose. Everyone that knows me knows that I talk a lot, but thats nothing compared to what goes on in my head. Im here at the castle in the Netherlands, so things can get pretty confusing when trying to combine the two worlds of Boston & Europe-(& yes, they are 2 different worlds)-so yeah, needless to say, I've got a lot of poetry to share & thoughts that are exploding in me. I love you all. P.S. -Anyone with AOL that hasnt heard from me, I SWEAR I've emailed you, but for some wierd reason, no one with AOL has been getting my emails. This weblog should help the connection flow.
Love & Epherial Giddiness
::: posted by Jen at 4:35 PM