Saturday, March 10, 2007 :::
Ok through my experiances in LA I have noticed some aweful patterns people have, so I am going to take a moment & speak for all women here- but I, along with EVERY WOMAN I KNOW am sick to death of the confusion with men. I just don't understand what the issue is with asking a girl on a date if you like her. Not a group hang. Not "hanging out." Not getting a number under the guise of hanging out or of getting a group together to go kiaking or mountaing biking or have a South Park marathon or WHATEVER- fuck the almost kiss, the platonic sleepover, the awlkward wondering. If you are interested in being more than friends with someone say the word DATE. I have done it. And in my case it either has led to rejection or a relationship that consisted of me making every move from there on. So I am done. If you want my number, ask for it. If you are interested in me as more than a friend & want to catch a movie- call it what it is- a DATE. Step up. And if there's a guy who wants more who can't ask for it, he isn't anyone I'd want anyway- because any man I am with would have the confidence to ask for what he wants. Note: if either party are drunk it doesn't count. Note #2: If you ask someone on a date & the friendship is lost in awlkwardness-they weren't really your friend anway.
The same goes for hookups in a similar manner- if it is a hook up & only that- don't make a woman think it's more. We've all been there. You like someone, you hook up. Only to have the horrid conversaton that the other person isn't really looking for a realationship or to date anyone. We are all adults & women have the same needs & desires as men. The vast majority of women are perfectly capable of having a sexual relationship without emotions getting involved if we know that's all it is from the get-go. So don't introduce your booty call to your parents, best friends or dog. And don't tell your random drunk dial your childhood stories, teenage angsts, and future goals. It just sends confusing signals.
I'm not even going to get into the bullshit politics that go along with living in LA & working in the I-scratch-your-back-you-suck-my-dick-industry. It's transparent. People are too easy to read.
Let's start being real with eachother people. Put it out there and move forward or move on.
That is all. ~JLabels: rant
::: posted by Jen at 5:53 AM
