Monday, December 19, 2005 :::
My mind is soaked in words I've come to terms with all my insecurities And purity's no friend of mine
::: posted by Jen at 3:19 AM
Well, it's holiday time again. Friday I am leaving for Chicago to spend x-mas with my mom, go on a shopping spree @ H&M, & say goodbye to my dying dog. (This is going to be Caramel's last Christmas as he as stage 5 intestinal cancer- the poor sweet puppy).
But, THEN, I am off to FLORIDA!!!!!!- I'm going HOME for the first time in four years & I get to see Wade & Michael & Newman & Janine & the whole Roedel clan & Jenny...and I get to eat at all of my favorite restaurants & go to shitty place, & the special spot on the island & the water at night...& I could not be happier. (Dec. 26-30 I'll be in FL- hit me up!)
After FL, it's back to LA for New Years where I will start 2006. 2006 is looking to be the opposite of 2005. 2005 was all about gluttony. Drinking too much, going out too much, doing things that are unheathy emotionally & physically too much. I'm going to start this year off right, most likely doing one thing on my resolution list- spending time with an old friend I don't see half as much as I would like to...then it's back to ballet twice a week for me! Get this ass of mine in gear...& by gear I mean shape...need to finish that painting I started ooooooh 2 months a new computer & an Ipod. Just do things for me- positive things. Enrich my life.
Now, I felt no need to have an Ipod before the last time I flew. Thanksgiving I felt like I was walking around with a record player around my neck. When did cdplayers become obsolete? When did everyone between the ages of 5 & 50 get an Ipod? I used to be all up in technologies I've lost my techno pimp status. Damn.
Ok, well it's midnight here in LA, tomorrow is my 2nd to last day of work before break officially begins. If I don't post again until the new year, merry christamas, happy hanukkah, merry kwanza, & happy new year to all.
Much love, ~Jen
::: posted by Jen at 3:08 AM
Thursday, December 01, 2005 :::
"I can't lock my door. No, I don't have no privacy. The only thing that's mine is what's inside of me. And when I hear that voice moaning inside, it says You've got to be tough, You've got to take it in stride. But sometimes I am foolish I let it get the best of me. At least I know that my mistakes are my responsibility. And I just have to laugh to keep from crying." ~a very old Madonna song
::: posted by Jen at 12:30 AM
