Wednesday, September 14, 2005 :::
Hey all, I know it's been a while. Since coming off hiatus things have been CRAZY! I'm literally working on 20 movies right now, reading 4 scripts a day ,etc, and we've got some big names attached to some amazing scripts, so I'll keep ya'll posted as things progress. If you get The Hollywood Reporter a movie my office is casting was on the cover today! Wahoo, look at me, I'm a fancy-pants LA freak! Other then work (All work & no play makes Jen a dull girl), I'm in the midst of planning my birthday festivities, so keep Oct. 1st open on your calander & email me so I'm sure to have your email addy It's sure to be a fun night of boozing & dancing it up the way only I can, which means shakin' asses south Florida style with a touch of funk and a dash of class grinded together with some good voldka or mexican beer. This has been an off week for me coming off of an even wierder weekend, it almost feels as thought the moon is in some wierd placement, nightmares, the black out & an overall odd vibe have been looming over me so I'm looking forward to this week ending. I need to do more writing, I'm thinking of something about addiction. It would be fitting as I'm in the process of quitting smoking and planning my next tattoo. One week & counting- no ciggs!- & I only sometimes want to punch someone in the face or eat a vat of fudge. Also, please vote for JD on RockStar INXS. He's amazing. But then again, mb if he doesn't win it would be easier to bring him into my office for something...a movie ... seducing... whichever .....hrmmm. Anywhoo I'm winding down, bed time for me.
Love to you all ~J
::: posted by Jen at 12:00 AM
