Friday, November 29, 2002 :::
The movie's done, Halloween has passed and so has Thanksgiving. And for the first time I really wish my family hadn't moved. It's just ruined everything, split everyone apart. On Thanksgiving it's usually my mom, her husband, my nana, my brother , my mom's best friend, my best friend, her boyfriend & her mom sitting around making rude jokes getting tipsy, eating too much & being dysfunctional. Until it's time for me to convince my mom I'm not drunnk, drive nana home, & go pick up Wade and hang out with all of my friends from high school, whom I'm not sure when I will see again. This just feels wrong. My mom is in Chicago, brother's in DC & my nana's all the way in Arizona. It's just made me sad. This is the first holiday season in my entire life that I haven't been in Florida, and while I'm glad I don't live there anymore- it was just nice to have it as something to go back to- someplace secure and familiar with friends I'd known my whole life (or most of). So now I'm just in Boston. And I'm sick of this damn weather- thats another thing- breaks were great before! I'd leave the snow & go into sunny 80 degree weather! Not to be a negative nancy, I guess I'm just lonely & it's really hitting me that you never can go home again, & even if you do- it's different. I've also realized that I will never be one of those people, like my brother was, who always have a significant other to bring home for the holidays. Growing up it always seemed just like something that was part of the college experiance. My brother often went to his girlfriends for thanksgiving & they came home for Christmas, etc.
Side note: that new Muppet X--mas movie= AWEFUL! Jim Henson is rolling over in his grave after that boring thing!
So I'm in Boston with myself and I suppose this is the point in life that I'm supposed to learn that that's all I need
Well, I'm workin on it.
::: posted by Jen at 10:28 PM
Wednesday, November 13, 2002 :::
Golly gee wiz its been a while! Well, Halloween was fun, but I left my devils spear thing at katie mcg's. Since then it's just been a mad rush of pledging & preproduction for the movie which we started shooting last week, & will finish this weekend.
I can honestly say its been a learning experiance & I think I'm getting the hang of this producer thing- & putting my makeup class lessons to use! Mary Ellen would be proud. Pledging is done, congrats to my new ladies- SO proud of you & to be your PMA! Got to spend a little time w/Nikki- even though I was a stressed out mess it was good to see her(yeah all these guys keep telling me that I should be a stripper...what do you think????) I cannot tell a lie- this movie has been stressing me the fuck out. I want to do a really good job not only to prove to myself that I can do it, but also to show the super experianced people on set that I can do it & to make Miles happy that he even asked me to do it. Sure, I had merely a vague idea as to what I was getting myself into but its coming along nicely & the finished product will be amazing. I'm definatly getting to see another side of my best friend. And I dont think I like this TAO Calming Tea that I made. Hrm...Life is good life is busy. I spoke with my nana today & got her permission to take her maiden name which I'm excited about. Look for info regarding an upcoming trip to LA....Did someone say Spring Break?!
Love to you all!
::: posted by Jen at 9:09 PM
